As Pagans, we should learn to really connect with the elements and here is a way to do just that. Take time and spend at least a week focusing and connecting with one of the specific elements. Remember to keep a journal of your feelings and experiences.


Lets start with the first week working with the Element Air:

The direction of East.
Represented by the blade (knife, dagger or sword).
(Note that some traditions reverse this representation with the Wand or Staff.)
Symbol of reasoning, thinking and communication.
Masculine in energy, conscious mind energy, aggressive and assertive.

What things can you find that represent Air?
What can you connect with Air?
What tools can you use to represent Air in your rituals?

Colors to focus on or colors of clothing to wear to connect with Air:
Yellow - the color of energy of the Sun
White - pureness, the fresh new day as it rises
Blue - for communication
Gray - for mental balance
Other symbols to wear representing Air:
Birds, feathers, wings, or any kind of flying creatures
Fans, pens, pencils or other writing implements, etc.

Feel the morning begin as the Sun rises from the east.
Feel what the Air is like in the morning.
Feel the noon Sun and the Air at midday.
Feel the evening Sun and the Air as the Sun sets.
Feel the night Air under the new and waxing moon, the full moon, the waning moon and the dark moon.
Feel the Air as you breathe it in and out, feel your breath.
Feel the Air, be aware as it moves around you all during each day and evening, at all times.
Feel the hot Air, feel the cool Air, feel the cold Air, the dry Air, etc.
Feel the Air as you sit in front of a fan.
Feel the Air as you sit in front of a fireplace or heater.

Consider the following:
What is considered helpful air?
What is considered harmful air?



For the second week, the Element of Fire.

The direction of South.
Represented by the Wand or Staff.
(Note that some traditions reverse this representation with the knife, blade or sword.)
Symbol of energy, desires and will.
Masculine in energy, conscious mind energy, aggressive and assertive.

What things can you find that represent Fire?
What can you connect with Fire?
What tools can you use to represent Fire in your rituals?

Colors to focus on or colors of clothing to wear to connect with Fire:
Yellow - the color and energy of the Sun.
Red - the color of Blood, energy, desires, will and motivation.

Feel the energy of the Sun:
As it rises in the morning and it proceeds to get hotter and hotter.
As it peeks midafternoon, as it reaches its hottest point.
As it sets in the evening and the heat of the Sun starts cooling down as it moves away from us.
What is the heat of the Sun like?
What does it feel like when you stay too long in the direct heat of the Sun during the day?
What does it feel like when there is no heat from the Sun upon you, like during the nighttime or Winter time when the Sun shines less.

Focus on cooking, foods that are cooked versus not cooked. How fire changes things for the better.
Focus on how fire changes things in general, it helps and heals as well as destroys.
Focus on the heat, heaters and fireplaces that warm us.
Focus on the flame of a fireplace or candle. Feel the energy it emits.
Focus on you, on your blood pressure, and when you are happy and excited, angry or mad, when you have determined desires and will to get things done.
Focus on your energy, how active you are, how motivated you are, and when this happens, are you better during the heat of the day or do you have better energy as it cools down or nighttime.
Focus on the passion and strength of Love. Love can make us stronger, but it also can make us weaker if we don't control the flame of our passions!

What is considered helpful fire?
What is considered harmful fire?
What can you do in or with your life to help use your energy, your personal fire to improve things?



For the third week, the Element of Water.

The direction of West.
Represented by the Cup, Chalice, Bowl, Cauldron, etc.
Symbol of feelings, emotions and intuition.
Female in energy, the subconscious energy, receptive and passive.

What things can you find that represent Water?
What can you connect with Water?
What tools can you use to represent Water in your rituals?

Colors to focus on or colors of clothing to wear to connect with Water:
All shades of blue, turquoise and some greens.

Feel the energy of the Water:
Focus on how it feels as you touch it.
How does it feel when you drink it? Cold, cool and warm?
How does it feel when you are in a tub, pool or spa?
how does it feel when you shower?
How does it feel when it is raining on you both heavy and lightly?
What does it smell like to you when it rains?
What does it smell like after it has rained?
Focus on running water from your faucet.
Focus on creeks, streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and the ocean, etc.
How are you refreshed by water?

What is considered helpful water?
What is considered harmful water?



For the fourth week, the Element of Earth.

The direction of North.
Represented by the earth itself, dirt, grass, trees, rocks, salt, herbs, plants, etc. as well as the physical being/body, four-legged animals, jewels, gems, money and material things, all solid things of the earth.
Symbol of all material things.
Female in energy, the subconscious energy, receptive and passive.

What things can you find that represent Earth?
What can you connect with Earth?

Focus on the physical.
Focus on the ground, how it feels to stand solidly on the Earth.
Play in the sand, in dirt, in mud, how does it feel to you, how does each feel different in its energy?
Focus on the hills, mountains, valleys, rivers, streams, trees, plants, etc.
Focus on things made of the earth, such as glass, tables, etc.

What is considered helpful Earth?
What is considered harmful Earth?




And for the fifth week, the Element of Spirit.

The Spirit of You, as You balance all the main elements to become complete! Fully connect with the "All". Get in touch with your "Higher Self". The Spiritual part of yourself that connects with the "All". Feel the God and Goddess as they are always a part of you, of each of us.





And for the final week, all the Elements.

Focus on all the elements together, wear them all together.
Wear a symbol of each element.
Wear a color of each element.

Your body is all the elements in one!
Earth: You are physical.
Water: You are part water.
Fire: Your blood, the energy of your body.
Air: Your breath, you lungs.
You are the Pentagram: Stand up, hold your arms out at your side shoulder high, spread your legs apart.
You are a Pentagram in the sphere of the universe! You are a Pentacle! Therefore you must maintain a balance of all the elements, all the energies. They must all work in unison to keep your body in condition.

Meditate on the different elements, ask your higher self to guide you in maintaining perfect balance for yourself.
Be aware of all the elements in and around you always. Connect with Yourself! Connect with Life!
Feel and be aware of your physical self, the element of Earth. Do something nice, something wonderful for your physical self.
Feel and be aware of your breath, the element of Air that you breathe. Feel it as you breathe in and breathe out. Always program and know that you are always breathing in good with each breath as you inhale and that you are breathing out the bad or negative as you exhale. Feel the breath of life!
Feel the blood, the element of Fire, as it pumps in your body. Feel you heart beat. Feel the energy you have or don't have and focus on being healthy. Focus on a healthy heart beating, the flow of healthy blood, the energy for your body to be strong and fulfill its desires and passions.
Feel the flow of your emotions, the element of Water, as it flows through you, the peeks of your emotions as you go through the ups and downs of life, as you laugh and cry, etc. Feel the happy and sad tears, the wet drops as they fall from your eyes. Know that your body, your emotions, are strongly affected by the Moon.
Be aware of the ebb and flow of the Moon's energy as it waxes, peeks and wanes. Be aware of how the Moon and Water affect you.

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Elemental Titles and Wheel by Webmystress

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Last updated April 8, 2012

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