1) How often do you do a ritual circle?
2) Do you plan your ritual according to:
a) The season or sabbat?
b) The day of the week?
c) The time of the day?
d) The phase of the moon?
e) Do you do any of the above according to the ritual
f) Do you, or have you done, a ritual circle just for
connecting to the God and / or the Goddess or to give
them your thanks and blessings?
3) Do you do ritual circles the same each
4) If you answered no to #3 please answer
the following:
a) Do you cleanse your ritual circle the
same way each time? (using the same method, tools, oils,
herbs, etc.) If not, please explain what different ways
you do them and why.
b) Do you cast your circle the same way each time? If
not, please explain what different ways you do it and
c) Do you have a specific place you hold all your ritual
d) Do you call or demand the elements, guardians, watchtowers,
e) Do you call or demand the God and Goddess's presence?
f) Do you use specific names of God/Goddess or does
it depend on your working?
5) How often do you do ritual circles in
a year?
6) If you do regular circles and / or ritual
work, do you ever just do a special circle to give Love,
Blessings and Thanks to your God/Goddess without asking
for anything?
7) List how many ritual circles you yourself
have done this year and what they were for.
8) List how many ritual circles you attended
this year, and what they were for.
9) When attending other ritual circles,
do you ask the group leader or circle leader what the
specific ritual need is for that circle and what things
you may need to know before going into that circle?
10) When attending other ritual circles,
do you offer to help before, during or after?
11) When attending other ritual circles,
do you take a blessing gift for the circle leader?
12) When attending other ritual circles,
do you take an offering gift for the main altar, such
as a token or flower, etc.?
13) Looking back over each of the other
rituals you have attended, how did they make you feel?
14) Looking back over all your answers for
this section, what can you do to better yourself, your
rituals and other rituals you attend in the future?