Corners: A candle in each corner marking
each direction.
Everyone walks into the Circle.
"Hail Guardians of the South
And the Elements of Fire
and of Changes
I call on you today
To join us in this Rite of Passages
So Mote it Be
"Hail Guardians of the West
And the Elements of Water
And of Our Emotions
I call on you today
To join us in this Rite of Passages
So Mote it Be
"Hail Guardians of the North
And the Elements of Earth
And of Growth
I call on you today
To join us in this Rites of Passages
So Mote it Be
"I call to you Goddess
Mother to us all
I ask you to join us in this rite
And Bless us with your presence
Blessed Be
"I call to you God
Consort to the Goddess
I ask you to join us in this rite
And Bless us with your presence
Blessed Be
Priestess - "We are gathered here today to welcome
(name of girl) into womanhood."
People form two lines and they hold a red sheet/cloth
between them. (Girl) crawls/walks beneath the cloth
from one side to the other side. When she comes out
the other side the Priestess greets her.
Priestess - "Welcome, you have passed through
childhood into womanhood.
Your body is changing from the little girl you were
and into the
Woman you will become."
Priestess gives the girl the pouch that is made using
the girl's favorite color.
Priestess - "This pouch is for you to keep whatever
is meaningful to you.
Here are a few things to remind you of this day.
"From the Element of Air
I give you this feather.
Remember that communication is a key to all relationships.
Including your relationship with the Goddess and God
So don't be afraid to speak your mind.
"With the Element of Fire
I give you Sweet Pea
To remind you of your inner strength
And the courage to follow your dreams.
"The Element of Water is that of emotions and
This seashell is to remind you to always listen to your
inner voice.
It will guide you through life.
And never block out your emotions
For they let us feel what life has to offer us.
"And from the Element of Earth
I give you Chrysocolla.
With this stone, may your decisions be filled with Wisdom.
And may you have the patience of the Earth."
Now all women in the circle tell the girl what they
want to share with her about being a woman.
Cakes and Juice.
Priestess - "Thank you Goddess and God
For joining us here today
In honoring this Rite of Passage
May we always remember
As you are a part of us
We are a reflection of you
Go if you must
Stay if you will
Blessed Be
"Guardians of the East
And the Element of Air
We thank you for your presence here today
Go if you must
Stay if you will
Blessed Be
"Guardians of the South
And the Element of Fire
We thank you for your presence here today
Go if you must
Stay if you will
Blessed Be
"Guardians of the West
And the Element of Water
We thank you for your presence here today
Go if you must
Stay if you will
Blessed Be
"Guardians of the North
And the Element of Earth
We thank you for your presence here today
Go if you must
Stay if you will
Blessed Be
The Circle is open but never broken. Merry Meet, Merry
Part and Merry Meet again."