Our 2006 Lughnassadh event was held on a week night this year.
We had a beautiful evening to celebrate, the weather was perfect, not too hot, not too cold.
Attendance was good, not a many as in previous years, but that is because this year we held our event mid-week and many people had to work making it difficult to get home through traffic and get ready and to the event in time, and then having to leave early.
Regardless those of us who were able to show up had a great time.
There was a beautiful ritual, lots of opportunity drawing
prizes, games, dancing, drumming and fun to be had.
Everyone seemed to also enjoy the "Give Away"
where we have a table set aside where everyone is able
to bring along anything they no longer want or need. They
just put it on the "give away table" and its
free for anyone to choose to take home. This is something
we have done occasionally at other events, but will now
continue to do at most all of our events. Its a great
way to "Share the Abundance" because we all
have things we no longer need, or want, that are still
good or even something we bought new and never used or
opened and can make it available to someone else. All
our "give aways" found a new home that night.
Games were enjoyed, feasting was wonderful and entertainment was, well great too!
We will be moving our annual event back to its original location and again be holding it on a weekend day so that more people are able to come and celebrate the 1st Harvest together with us.
I am looking forward to seeing you all at our next event.
Magickal Blessings,
Last updated
April 8, 2012
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