The "Wheel of the Year Altar Display"

One of the main educational areas of our festival was the
"Wheel of the Year Altar Display" including Rites of Passage altars and many others.
Each altar that was set up in the display was done by a volunteer who decides which type of altar they wanted to do, or the coordinator for the altar area, give some suggestions.

Each altar is individual. A small sign was posted to state what type of altar it was and most altars had either information posted or handouts explaining the altar and the items upon it, etc.

Altars Photo Album page

Altar Display pictures from other festivals provided by The Great Mothers Sanctuary and the Pagans Altar Guild can be viewed at the groups web site.

Altar Displays
Below is a list of different types of altars, those listed are by no means the only ones, there are many more altars that can be done:

A Main Harvest/Event Altar

Sabbat Altars

Yule Altar
Imbolc Altar
Ostara Altar
Beltane Altar
Litha Altar
Lughnassadh Altar
Mabon Altar
Samhain Altar
Samhain Altar

Other Altars

Burning Times Altar

Tranquility Altar
Happiness Altar
Day of the Dead Altar
Children's Altar
Goddess Arrianrhod Altar
Earth Healing Altar
The Goddess & the Avalon Path Altar
Crone Altar

Moon Altars

Full Moon Altar
New Moon Altar
Dark Moon Altar

Rites of Passage Altars!

New Life - Baby Blessing
Coming of Age (Girl)
Coming of Age (Boy)
Final Passage





Last updated April 8, 2012

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