Although our events are no longer happening, you can still help by volunteering at other events in your pagan community. Use our info below as a guideline......

Festival Volunteers Needed!

Our annual Harvest Festival is a not-for profit event and as such we manage on the limited funds received from only the vendor fees, opportunity drawing proceeds, donations and sponsors supporting this event, of which we are able to pay all expenses. Any proceeds, funds over our expenses, for this years event will be donated to one or more non-profit organizations.

This event is organized and managed by a main coordinator, assistant coordinator and several volunteers, who each freely volunteer their time for this open community event. But! It takes more than just a group of coordinators to put on the event, it takes many more volunteers to donate their time and efforts as well as others who volunteer supplies. So you can see we need lots of help and we are always looking out for people who are interested in helping to keep this annual community event going each year.

Benefits of Volunteering
"Being a volunteer is an experience gained that you can draw o for the rest of your life."
Personal & Career Benefits

* You give and you get, balance your Karma
* Communicates to others that you are ambitious and helpful
* Meeting new people who are on the same spiritual path and about spiritual diversity
* Meet and work with many of our top Pagan Authors and Entertainers
* Making important networking contacts
* Gain personal satisfaction in that you are "making a difference"
* Build your self esteem and self confidence
* Feel needed and valued by your community
* Focus on your expertise, volunteer in an area where you like what your doing
* Teach your skills to others, gain appreciation for your gift of time and expertise
* Learn and develop new skills and gain work experience
* Enhance your resume

Excitement is raising about this year's event and everyone is looking forward to a weekend of fun. There are many areas where we need volunteers, some but certainly not all of which are:

* Setting up and decorating both Friday evening and Saturday morning before the event opens.
* Helping to get the vendors and other participants checked in and set up both Friday and Saturday.
* Tearing down and clean up starting Sunday 6pm-9pm and again Monday morning 8am-10am.
* Entrance booth
* Security, Parking, Lost & Found area
* Information tables
* Hospitality area for authors, presenters, performers & entertainers
* Karma Hut
* Mother's Sanctuary
* Kids/Teens Activities
* Altar Displays
* Runner (remind presenters, entertainers etc. that they are scheduled to perform next)
* Barkers (walk around announcing next events)
* Many other areas and duties may include, but not limited to, gate keepers, donations/opportunity drawing area, food donation collection, trash and recycling, monitoring the bathrooms (for cleanliness and restocking of necessities), etc.

If you see anything on the list above, that you are interested in helping with, or need more details on?
Can you volunteer at least two consecutive hours of time to work in that area?
If you answered yes to both the above questions, great! Now continue on...........

Criteria for Volunteers

Be willing to work a minimum two hour shift. Check in at least 10 minutes prior to you assigned shift. Wear your name badge and volunteer wrist band during hours you are scheduled to work. Turn in your name badge and wrist band at end of your assigned shift, failure to do so will result in your privilege as a future festival volunteer to be denied. You must also attend at least one of three volunteer orientations scheduled (volunteer coordinator will let you know when and where the orientations will take place when you complete your volunteer form. All complete list of all volunteer positions and descriptions of the duties for each, will be explained during the orientations.
Volunteers under the age of 18 must have a signed release from their legal parent/guardian, whom should also be present with them at festival.
All volunteers are required to complete and return the volunteer form along with the disclaimer form.

On-Line Volunteer Group

Questions or other information contact volunteer coordinator:



Last updated April 8, 2012

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We have done our best to note copyright when possible on this site. If you see material that is uncredited or credited incorrectly, please let us know.


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