We love, almost more than anything, to share
what we have learned, knowing that knowledge can be the
first step to a better witch.
Book Lists
This is a list of suggested reading and music,
broken out into categories.
Burning Times
Information on one of the most cruelest periods of human
The Sabbats
Lessons on the Wheel of the Year and a peak into some
of our past Celebrations.
Tools of the trade.
A lesson on achieving your desire through visualization
and verbalization.
A lesson on the true meaning of creativity.
The Elements
A five week course designed to attune you to the elements
and recognize the lessons they have.
of Passage
A lesson on what constitutes a rite of passage
and a few rites to be shared with those who visit here.
A series of lessons about the Tarot and how to use this
strong magick.
Your Path
A list of questions to help you recognize how far along
the path you are. Helpful for both neophyte and veteran
pagans alike.
Feeling confused? Think your electronics are out to get
you? Seeing a bit more of a certain traffic finger? This
may be why.
Love and Pleasure
The Etiquette and Ethics of Wiccan Sexuality
Pagan Manners
"Common Sense" manners for all who attend events.
To do's and not to do's.
Psychics Trick or Treat
Choosing a psychic, what to ask and what to watch for.
Coven or Not
"Looking at Yourself"
Working Solitary, considering joining a group or coven, or starting your own group or coven, then heres some things to seriously consider.

Last updated
April 8, 2012
Contents © 1999-2011 by Ancient
Cauldron. All rights reserved worldwide.
Ancient Cauldron shall not be liable
in the event of incidental or consequential damages arising
from the use of information supplied herein. This website is privately owned and not associated with a corporation or non-profit organization. If you have
any comments or questions about this webpage, please email us.
We have done our best to note copyright
when possible on this site. If you see material that is
uncredited or credited incorrectly, please let us know.